Montag, 16. Mai 2011

you know you're an exchange student if

1. you ever wore sweatpants and sleepers to school. --- JA
 2. you ever missed school bus. ---- JA
 3. you were ever given a hallpass to go to the bathroom.--- JA
 4. you say "like" and "awesome" every three words.--- JA
 5. you know that Friday nights are reserved for football/basketball games.-- JA
 6. you now think dubbing movies and TV series should be illegal. Movies are just so much better in their original language.-- OHJA
 7. you love target and walmart.-- UH YES
 8. you need starbucks every other day.-- DEFINITLY!
 9. you use facebook more then version in your own language.-- JEP
 10. someone has asked you dumb quastions like: "do you have cell phones in ...?", "How long does it take to DRIVE to Europe?", etc   -- HAHA YES
 11. you want to smack every person who asks you "How do you like it so far? Do you like it better than ...?" and "I love your accent, where are you from?".--- UHH YEA...
 12. you can't stop ordering refills because you are so used to them being for free. --- OHH YES THE BEST
13. you know the difference between "TALKING", "DATING", "HANGING OUT" and "GOING OUT",and you know that "going with somebody" doesn't actually mean you are going somewhere. -- JA
 14. you want to take tests with pencil and look for multiple choice sections on tests.--- HAH A YEA
 15. you don't think it's wrong to have cake AND ice cream.-- YUMMY YEA
 16. you are used to people looking at you in a wired way just because you are walking or biking to get to places.---- OH YEAH; EXPERIENCED THAT WITH THILDE
 18. you park as close to the store as possible so you don't have to walk even one yard too far.--- SAD AMERICANS XD
 19. you gained 10 kg staying in US doing different kind of sports...and lost them all after getting back to your country without doing anything special.--PROBABLY.... not 10 though maybe 2 ^^
 20. you've heard the american national anthem more than your own, and you can even sing it along. YES SIR -.-
 21. you know pledge of allegiance by heart.---- i pleadge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all!
 22. you had to heat the water up in the microwave to make tea.-- HAHA YEA kein wasserkocher
 23. you argued to americans for few hours about what color blood actually is but never made them believe you anyway.--ACTUALLY YES
 24. you know how to doggy!- UH HELL YEA
 25. you taught anybody how to curse in your language.--JAP
 26. you realized how sucky would life be without skype.--- JAAAAA
 27. you tell to every person you meet "what's up dude/girl?"--- HMM YEAH
 28. you ever missed school just cause of the snow.---- COUPLE OF TIMES
 29. you ever ate in buffet so much that it made u wanna puke but you kept eating anyway cause you dont wanna waste money you payed.-- TRUE
 30. you have problems speaking your native language.--- HONESTLY YES 

so... das ist die wahrheit.. 
jede sache.. 
das leben eines americanischen exchange student.. 
für alle die mal exchangestudent sein wollen... 
das kommt auf euch zu!


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