Mittwoch, 7. September 2011


hallo meine lieben, ich bin inzwischen in deutschland wieder gut gelandet und seit ein paar monaten zurück. die schule hat wieder begonnen und einen job habe ich auch.

letztes wochenende war ich auf dem returnee treffen von step in =) es war mega klasse.

und ich kann euch allen step in nur empfehlen... das jahr war der hammer und sie habenmich immer gut begleitet.. wenn ich fragen oder so habt könnt ihr euch gerne bei mir melden !
bis bald

eure polly


Montag, 30. Mai 2011

and its getting closer to home

hey people out there,

its getting closer... every single day.. 
and im supposed to leave.. 
which makies me feel pretty bad..

im almost packed.. just the last stuff.. and i have tons of stuff. jeeez, cause this time i can leave stuff.. 
well whatever.

im startin my journey on thursay morning in Salt Lake,
my flight is at 11.. am
i will be in chicago by around 3 pm
and then i leave chicago at 10.30 pm...
i arrive friday around noonish in Frankfurt... and then just one final last step to Hamburg <3

so i guess ill see you soon.

guys im excited for all of you, and i cant wait !!!

lots of love love love!

see ya friday!

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011

and its almost over

hey guys, 
its almost over... now. 
2 more days... of school left.. 
9 more till i get home... 
wanted to start packing today... i cant... 
we got our yearbooks yesterday, and i tried to get a lot of signatures from my friends! here some pics!

see yall soon!

   click on the pics to make them bigger :P

Freitag, 20. Mai 2011

laguna beach pictures!


hey people out there, 

i was just going to upload a couple of pictures from our california trip to laguna beach!
it was pretty good and i got tan! and sunburned.. haha but im still tan! :D yes !
school is basiclly out by now.. 
the seniors are done and the graduate on wednesday, we have to go monday an dtuesday but i guess both are short days, then wednesday from 8-10 and then graduation at 2 so know one is gonna go in the morning, there is no reason haha.. 
and then thursday... we are supposed to get out be 11 i guess.. but i doubt that we are going hahha
i just want to get my yearbooks signed from all my friends, and say goodbye, 
because today in 2 weeks im gonnna hug everybody at the airport, because i miss you guys! 

but i dont want to leave, my hostmom said today, polly im gonn a miss you, it almost made me cry... :/ 
we had a nice day, after school we got picked up and we had free tickets to the preview of pirates of the caribbean 4 ! it was pretty good. i loooove captain jack sparrow.. i missed will turner though :D

the kittens are doing great starting to walk around... too adroble!

well im going to upload pics of the kitties and from cali! 
and ps i hope i can maybe win with my blog at a step in competion :D  would be great =) 

guys i love and miss you, 
but i will miss utah too, eventhough its utah ^^ 
maaan =/ 

i love all of you ! 


Montag, 16. Mai 2011

you know you're an exchange student if

1. you ever wore sweatpants and sleepers to school. --- JA
 2. you ever missed school bus. ---- JA
 3. you were ever given a hallpass to go to the bathroom.--- JA
 4. you say "like" and "awesome" every three words.--- JA
 5. you know that Friday nights are reserved for football/basketball games.-- JA
 6. you now think dubbing movies and TV series should be illegal. Movies are just so much better in their original language.-- OHJA
 7. you love target and walmart.-- UH YES
 8. you need starbucks every other day.-- DEFINITLY!
 9. you use facebook more then version in your own language.-- JEP
 10. someone has asked you dumb quastions like: "do you have cell phones in ...?", "How long does it take to DRIVE to Europe?", etc   -- HAHA YES
 11. you want to smack every person who asks you "How do you like it so far? Do you like it better than ...?" and "I love your accent, where are you from?".--- UHH YEA...
 12. you can't stop ordering refills because you are so used to them being for free. --- OHH YES THE BEST
13. you know the difference between "TALKING", "DATING", "HANGING OUT" and "GOING OUT",and you know that "going with somebody" doesn't actually mean you are going somewhere. -- JA
 14. you want to take tests with pencil and look for multiple choice sections on tests.--- HAH A YEA
 15. you don't think it's wrong to have cake AND ice cream.-- YUMMY YEA
 16. you are used to people looking at you in a wired way just because you are walking or biking to get to places.---- OH YEAH; EXPERIENCED THAT WITH THILDE
 18. you park as close to the store as possible so you don't have to walk even one yard too far.--- SAD AMERICANS XD
 19. you gained 10 kg staying in US doing different kind of sports...and lost them all after getting back to your country without doing anything special.--PROBABLY.... not 10 though maybe 2 ^^
 20. you've heard the american national anthem more than your own, and you can even sing it along. YES SIR -.-
 21. you know pledge of allegiance by heart.---- i pleadge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all!
 22. you had to heat the water up in the microwave to make tea.-- HAHA YEA kein wasserkocher
 23. you argued to americans for few hours about what color blood actually is but never made them believe you anyway.--ACTUALLY YES
 24. you know how to doggy!- UH HELL YEA
 25. you taught anybody how to curse in your language.--JAP
 26. you realized how sucky would life be without skype.--- JAAAAA
 27. you tell to every person you meet "what's up dude/girl?"--- HMM YEAH
 28. you ever missed school just cause of the snow.---- COUPLE OF TIMES
 29. you ever ate in buffet so much that it made u wanna puke but you kept eating anyway cause you dont wanna waste money you payed.-- TRUE
 30. you have problems speaking your native language.--- HONESTLY YES 

so... das ist die wahrheit.. 
jede sache.. 
das leben eines americanischen exchange student.. 
für alle die mal exchangestudent sein wollen... 
das kommt auf euch zu!


Montag, 9. Mai 2011

short hello from cali!

hey guys!

just a quick hey from cali, 
weather is nice, sometimes cloudy and windy on the beach, but i still got sunburned pretty bad... =( guess what i saw last night at the beach! wild dolphines, i have pic, load them up next week, they are amazing, and they were so close, you couldve touched them, but the water is cooooold! anyways, we'll enjoyin the next days, and then i will come home sooon! and im excited to see all of you!

love you guys, 

Montag, 2. Mai 2011

hey people!

hey people out there, 

so just a quick update about my life here... 
im leaving in 30 days.. 
which is a month.. and its kinda driving me insane... i dont know what to think and i dont know where my mind is.. 
i just got a letter from pax saying that my time is over... pretty soon.. 
and its gonna be weird to go home... like home home, because i kinda have a second home here...which is great, and im so thankful for that.. 
after we got back from springbreak, we are seriously counting schooldays to finally leave to sunny california! 
4 schooldays from now on! we are leavin´ probably in the night from friday til saturday, and we will be gone for a whole week, and we´re coming back sunday  the 15th may. 
then 8 more days of school, actually 7 because we get out of school when graduation is... 
maybe ill go, just to see everybody with ther graduationcaps ^^ 
i had a really nice day today, 
after school i took my hostmom out for thaifood, we were sitting in the sun ( yeah we have 60 F) and it was really nice, we were talking and just enjoying.. =)
2 days ago we got kittens, little pumpkin finally gave birth... they are adorable! 4 of them =) youll see pics under this post. 

anyways cali is hopefully gonna be the blast! and im excited for home too... 
and a great warm summer.... hamburg <3

and hasi ! HASI HASI HASI!! =) :D 

alles kla bis ganz bald, 

i love all of you!


Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

ja ich lebe noch!

moin moin!

ja ich lebe noch... 
ich weiß ich habe mich lange hier nicht mehr blicken lassen und das letzte mal als ich die cali fotos hochgeladen habe, hab ich gesagt ich schreibe mehr... hab ich dann aber nicht...

noch mal zurück zu cali... es war der hammer, diese woche war unbeschreiblich und ich kann es kaum erwarten alle meine neuen freunde in july in österreich wiederzusehn, wir haben da nämlich ein häuschen und alle kommen für eine woche runter und das wird einfach nur genial!!!

2 wochen nach california hatte ich ne woche springbreak.. die damit begonnen hat das der opa gestorben ist... war ne ziemlich traurige sache und war halt thema der ferien aber wir haben alles gut überstanden... diese woche hieß es dann wieder schule... 
aber das okay die letzten paar tage reinhauen bis es dann am 26. mai vorbei ist... 
ich kanns gar nicht glauben das ich in 42 hier wieder los fahre
, nach hause... man man... das dreht mir etwas den magen um, ich weiß noch als ich die letzte nacht in meinem bett verbracht habe und dachte man das die letzte nacht, und jez ist es bald hier die letzte nacht... 
treibt mir schon etwas die tränen in die augen.. aber naja freu mich auch auf euch alle!

in  der zweiten mai wochen fahren wir noch mal nach california, laguna beach, O.C. hoffe das wir dann endlich sonne sonne sonne tanken können, viele waren in springbreak da und hatten geiles wetter und sind super tain. das will ich auch ! weil ich bin viel zu weis... haha meine freundinnen sagen immer man wir müssen dich noch amerikanischer bekommen, fake nails gebleachte zähne und derbe tain... die ersten beiden sachen sind schon erfüllt... haha 

und nach cali sind noch 8 tage schule... wuhahah... 

im moment sitzt ich grade in meinem zimmer und habe eine hochschwangere katze in den wehen neben mir... 
ich hoffe das sie nicht lange leiden muss und die kätzchen in dne nächsten stunden da sind und ich nicht die ganze nacht wach bleiben muss... wir werden sehn hahah 

ich hab euch alle ganz doll lieb! und bis ganz bald... 


Sonntag, 27. März 2011

ich schreib morgen wie alles war bis dahin könn tihr :


love you all !

pictures of the time of my life!